Business Intelligence & Analysis Strategy
We develop a clear picture of data management and data integration needs required to gain insights to make smart decisions, improve efficiencies, mitigate risks, and improve operational and financial performance. We create technology strategies to make understanding data faster, easier, and across a wider-range of analysis questions and regulatory reporting requirements.
Business Analytic Software Configuration
We configure and implement SAS and Informatica business analytics software to enable rapid insights and decision-making and to rapidly bring the power of data to bear on every process for utility operations and compliance reporting.
Data Warehouse Implementation
We help utilities implement in short-timeframes a new breed of data warehouses that queries different repositories and perform various types of analytics using tools enabling anyone to easily consume data for analytics of specific points in time.
Master Data Management
We are experts at building a single-platform, multi-domain master data management (MDM) solution that is flexible, dadaptable, and scalable with real-time integration with business applications, complex workflow, and application interaction patterns to support “big data” analytics for ever changing customer service, operational and regulatory compliance needs.